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Eric Yen-liang Lin is a professor of applied linguistics. He currently serves as the Chair of the Department of English at National Taipei University of Technology and is the President of the English Teaching and Research Association (ETRA). He received his Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics in 2013 from the University of Nottingham, UK. His research interests include corpus linguistics, multimodality, gestures in second language acquisition, professional development in EMI/ESP, and language teaching research. Dr. Lin is also the Director of the MOE APEC Advisory Team for the Education Network (EDNET). He has actively participated in the APEC EDNET and has overseen several APEC-funded projects since 2016.

Collaboration of ESP and EMI Lecturers in Higher Education: A Genre-based Approach to the Development of L2 Disciplinary Literacies

Disciplinary literacy plays a pivotal role in shaping a student's academic success. A significant body of English Medium Instruction (EMI) literature points out that mastering disciplinary literacy in a second language (L2) is a primary challenge for students. Yet, research on how students develop L2 disciplinary literacy skills is limited. A genre-based approach is increasingly recognized for offering valuable insights into students’ mastery of discipline-specific literacy. Such approaches call for collaborative efforts between English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and EMI content lecturers. In this panel discussion, I will explore the impact of co-teaching by ESP and EMI lecturers on instructional strategies and the development of L2 disciplinary literacy in the fields of engineering and management. The session aims to shed light on valuable pedagogical insights and implications, aiming to contribute to the development of L2 disciplinary literacy as well as professional development.

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